Supporting improvement in social care, health and public services


  • Strategic Management
  • Policy Development and Implementation at an All-Wales, Regional and Local Level
  • Service Planning / Reshaping, Partnerships and Co-Production
  • Workforce Development and Mentoring
  • Resource Management and Commissioning
  • Community Development
I have 45 years of experience of working in social services, having been Director of Social Services for 10 years.

Phil has five-years of experience as a consultant and associate with Practice Solutions, the WLGA, Welsh Government and ADSS Cymru.


His previous roles include: Director of Social Services; President of ADSS Cymru; local authority Deputy Chief Executive; lead inspector with Care Inspectorate Wales; Vice Chair and Programme Lead for the Ministerial Advisory Group on Improving Outcomes for Children.


Phil has been involved extensively with third sector and community development organisations – for example spending over 40 years with Valleys Kids as a volunteer, Trust Director and now Chair.

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