Supporting improvement in social care, health and public services

Powys County Borough Council


Powys County Borough Council is the local authority for the county of Powys. It provides a range of services to the public including housing, education, social services and health.

Case Study – Pathfinder Review


As part of the Welsh Government’s vision for early years opportunities, Powys County Borough Council joined the Early Years Pathfinder Programme to pilot new multi-agency delivery models, built on existing services.


Practice Solutions was commissioned to map out early years (0-7) services across Powys, facilitate consultation events with communties and stakeholders, and draw together evidence on what is working well and needs improving.


The wide-ranging report identified key strengths in services and immediate priorities for improvement, which informed both current provisions and planning for future services.


You can find out more about these services in our Remodelling Services and Community and Citizen Engagement sections.

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